+91 9845893115

About Us

A team of hands on techno savvy professionals with many years of experience in Manufacturing and repair Service industry. Ebullient team with clear vision to provide the most cost effective repair solutions for any electronic /electro mechanical products to extend the life.

Any electronic /electro mechanical products and associated services are not new for us. Celltronix has the experience and expertise to serve you. We keep innovate and improvise the repair solutions to deliver the best value for our customers

We make our customers feel SAFE(Speed, Accuracy, Flexibility, Ebullience) with us through our innovative repair solutions and on time delivery.

Speed: Quick repair Solutions & On time delivery
Accuracy: Accurate & Reliable repair solutions
Flexibility: Flexible processes to suit customer requirements
Ebullience: A team with full of energy to meet the challenges

Core Values

 Passion for solutions

 Creative Thinking

 Great Customer Experiences

 Strong Relationships

 Ebullient Team

Our Vision

Create a healthy and sustainable environment by reducing the carbon footprint through innovative solutions that extend the life of the electronic products.

Our Mission

Be the best service providing company by consistently delivering the best solutions and values our customers expect.

Promise to Customers

We promise to work with customers to define value & ensure mutual long term success by delivering defect free products and services on time and on budget.